Sunday, 27 September 2015

33 weeks pregnant!

Wow only 7 weeks to go and 4 weeks till im full term 😮 A few of my friends and family's had their baby's this week and it just makes me so excited to have our little one here. According to my baby app she weighs around 4lbs this week and i can really feel it now, her kicks are starting to hurt and i feel tons of pressure.

How many weeks: 33 weeks.

Weight gain: At my doctors appointment last week he said i was 70kg so i haven't gained an over amount i was 60kg when i got pregnant. Im happy with the steady weight gain.

Symptoms: Heartburn, i still get this every day. Pressure, so much pressure now she has dropped so low and i still head down. Lightening crotch, this is so painful and a bit awkward when your out in public. Tiredness, i feel like im exhausted all the time it doesnt help looking after a 2 year old and working still but i go off on maternity leave in 2 weeks.

Appointments: I had my 32 week check up at my doctors he was happy with my blood pressure and weight gain. He said she is head down and looks like she will stay that way with how low she is. I have my clinic appointment at 34 weeks and then i will alternate every week after between the doctor and clinic till my due date.

Labour signs: No contractions just tons of pressure and braxton hicks.

Maternity clothes: Im starting to out grow all of my normal clothes and im so sad my maternity jeans finally gave up on me and ripped 😕 i really dont want to buy another pair just for 7 weeks so im living out of leggings and long tops.

Nesting: I cant stop cleaning its ridiculous, i finally have mostly everything organised for her now and we got our double pram yesterday. When i get further along i will do the last few things like sterilising the bottles and getting her bed ready.

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