Thursday, 29 May 2014

Sofia's feeding schedule at 6 months old!

When you have your first baby you try and do everything by the book and we were the very same. As Sofia gets older we just go with what we feel is best for her and just use "books" as a guideline. They can only advise you so much and after all you know your baby and what they like and dislike.

This is Sofia's feeding routine for an average day!

She has a 5oz bottle when she wakes up. She is on the Cow and gate follow on milk.

We will usually give her either cereal or a liga mixed with her milk and then some juice or water.

After her morning nap she will have a fruit pot and a yoghurt for her lunch and some water. This is her favourite meal of the day.

She will have another 5oz bottle.

She will have a full jar of any of the cow and gate meals and some water. She loves the carrot ones and there's not much she wont eat. But she still doesn't like cottage pie or bollognaise.

Sofia has another 5oz bottle.

This is her last bottle before bed and she usually has a 7oz bottle which keeps her going till half 8 again.

All babies are different and will have more or less of what Sofia has but this is the routine what works for us right now :)

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