When we got into the hospital they hooked me up to a monitor and made me click every time Sofia moved but she was being lazy and hardly moving. The nurse gave me lucozade and sure enough she was kicking like mad. Around 7am they moved me into the labor ward to let me progress on my own. I was getting contractions every 4-5 minutes till around 1pm and honestly i found it ok me and Matt were even laughing through them. I was wondering what everyone was talking about when they said it was hard, how wrong i was ha! Around 3pm I couldn't bare the pain anymore and asked for gas and air, they wouldn't let me have it until I was examined.
I was brought to the delivery suite where the nurse examined me and i was 4cm dilated and completely effaced! As she was checking me my waters broke and went everywhere it even filled up her glove, kinda grose ha! I got such a shock i started crying because i thought Sofia was coming out lol. The midwife left the room to get me pethadine so she got me to bounce on the ball. I finally realised what everyone was talking about how painful it is. I had constant contractions and the pain was unbearable, and the gas and air didn't take any of the pain away it just made me really dizzy. Finally the midwife came back and we explained what was happening, then she whispered to the student nurse "i think were ready to have a baby" this was about 40 minutes after my waters had gone!
She got me back up on the bed and checked me i was fully dilated so i didn't have time for pethadine or the epidural i never felt so afraid. I had the urge to push and carried on for an hour and a half before they realised she was facing the wrong way. Id never want to scare anyone but it was the most painful experience and really traumatised me! I was completely exhausted and so was Matty he was so good supporting me and keeping me calm. The surgeon came in and took over he did an episiotomy and got the vacuum to get her out. Her head was out and i remember Matty looking at me telling me she was finally here.
I couldn't have asked for a more perfect daughter Sofia Emily Crowson! x
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