Wednesday, 28 August 2013


How far along? 30 weeks and 1 day!
Total weight gain/measurements: i have put on about 20 pounds since the start which is more than i wanted to.
Maternity clothes:I am living out of leggings and long t-shirts as nothing else fits me! with only 10 weeks to go im not going to buy any maternity clothes its just a waste of money!
Stretch marks? My sides have got a lot in the last week but none on my belly yet so im hoping it stays that way.
Sleep: Sleep is on and off now as she is sitting on my bladder i have to get up to pee about 5 times a night so i never get a full nights sleep.
Best moment this week:Hitting 30 weeks and realizing how close we are now to having our little girl with us :)
Miss anything? My body! i have no control over it anymore so il be glad when i have it back ha.
Movement: Movement and kicks are so strong now to the point where it hurts sometimes so i know she is getting bigger and stronger everyday! 
Food cravings:  Still nothing where i have to have it.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Fish or peas i still cant stand the smell or eat it!
Gender: A little GIRL :D our little baby Sofia x
Labour signs: Nothing yet.
Symptoms: Heartburn still have it but im learning to live with it now! Backache is getting worse each week. Swollen ankles which i was not expecting it just looks worse more than anything. Leg cramps, i get it mostly at night so im using a foot pillow to help.
Belly button in or out? Pretty much out now!
Wedding rings on or off?  Off which was sad taking them off!
Happy or moody most of the time: Il say moody now im just ready for her to be here now im getting too impatient.
Looking forward to: Our next scan next week to see her again and check her size as she was measuring bigger last time.